CFPB announces asset-size threshold adjustments under HMDA (Regulation C) and TILA (Regulation Z)

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Unsubscribe

Mon, Dec 23, 5:48 PM (7 days ago)

from Addaipatrick517 to the wold

consumer financial protection bureau
Good afternoon,
The Bureau has announced the asset-size exemption thresholds for depository institutions under Regulation C.  The Bureau has also announced the asset-size exemption thresholds for certain creditors under the escrow requirements and small creditor portfolio and balloon-payment qualified mortgage requirements, and the small creditor exemption from the prohibition against balloon-payment high-cost mortgages under Regulation Z. 
These adjustments are effective on January 1, 2020, consistent with relevant statutory or regulatory provisions.
Thank you,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

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